Fuzzy Beast


The Fuzzy Beast is Randy’s take on the Fuzz Face circuit. With only two knobs and a switch, this design is very easy to use and dial in the type of Fuzz we all like. The switch allows you to switch coupling capacitors which changes how much low end goes through the circuit. By controlling the low-end frequencies, the type of fuzz you can receive from the 1N3906 transistors are very versatile.


Volume: Helps even out the Volumes between bypass and on modes.

Gain: controls the level of Fuzz you receive from the Transistors.

High, low switch: switches coupling capacitors.

Secret Trim Pot: if you open the back, you will find a bias trim pot. Using a tweaker flat head, you can adjust the bias of the transistors to change the fuzz sound.


+9V DC Power supply (Roland PSB-1U recommended for cleanest power)


9V Battery connections included.

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All pedals are built in batches. Preorders only available. Please fill out the form below and Randy will contact you with a timeframe and payment method.

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